Northstar Biokinetics, Inc.
Biomechanics Analysis
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Who are Biomechanists?
A biomechanist might be an engineer or medical doctor; biomechanics, however, is not within the sole domain of either of these easily recognized professions.
Biomechanical vs. Medical
Biomechanics - the science concerned with the action of forces, internal and external, on the living body. (From Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions)
What is Biomechanics?
The discipline of biomechanics integrates the laws of physics and the working concepts of engineering...
When a Biomechanist can Help
In general, a biomechanist is a useful expert when liability questions involve human motion...
Kerry L. Knapp, PhD

Dr. Knapp has a strong educational and experience-based background. Educationally he is grounded in physical sciences, engineering, and computer modeling with bachelors and master degrees. His doctoral work, which was focused on analytical techniques, provides the theoretical for Northstar Biokinetics rigorous analytical process while recent studies and research in human functional anatomy, physiology, human neuroscience and human biomechanics form the basis for current case analysis work in injury biomechanics. Broad personal experiences in the areas of aviation, boating, sports, agriculture, and construction add experience-base understanding to all aspects of case analysis.

Dr. Knapp holds two master degrees (one in biomechanics) and a Ph.D. in forensic biomechanics. Professional affiliations include the society of Automotive Engineers, the American College of Sports Medicine, and the American Academy of Forensic Sciences. Dr. Knapp works full time in the area of injury biomechanics in addition to owning and managing Northstar Biokinetics.

Kerry L. Knapp, PhD
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