Northstar Biokinetics, Inc.
Biomechanics Analysis
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Who are Biomechanists?
A biomechanist might be an engineer or medical doctor; biomechanics, however, is not within the sole domain of either of these easily recognized professions.
Biomechanical vs. Medical
Biomechanics - the science concerned with the action of forces, internal and external, on the living body. (From Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions)
What is Biomechanics?
The discipline of biomechanics integrates the laws of physics and the working concepts of engineering...
When a Biomechanist can Help
In general, a biomechanist is a useful expert when liability questions involve human motion...
Northstar Biokinetics

Scales of JusticeAt Northstar Biokinetics, we believe that our judicial system is based on the concept of truth-seeking. Both the criminal and civil sides of the system seek to know the truth of the allegations being litigated and then to reach an equitable result. The courts benefit from finding the truth through a more complete understanding of the relationships discoverable from evidence.

Biomechanics analysis plays a valuable role were cases issues related to human tissue damage are in question. The role of a biomechanist is to discover and illuminate the entire injury/fatality causing event. At Northstar Biokinetics we fullfill this role by analyzing and integrating:

  • medical information obtained from a medical practitioner, medical examiner, or other sources with
  • data about the external loading, pieced together by the biomechanist or obtained from an engineering analysis.

At Northstar Biokinetics each case is systematically organized, rigorously analyzed, and impartially evaluated. We approach each analysis as a research case study. The evidence available is scrutinized and the lack of evidence documented. The strengths and the weaknesses of the evidence in the case are brought to light and presented as a basis for identifying the injury mechanism.

At Northstar Biokinetics we also add to the mix our analytical skill and broad-based life experiences. By combining our education and experience with our expertise in biomechanics we are able to help in a wide variety of cases where the relationship between human motion, external events or objects, and human tissue damage are of interest.

Finally, we can effectively communicate and present the results of our analysis in reportsand in the courtroom so that the court clearly sees the relationship between the event(s) and the actual documented tissue damage (injury).

Case Examples
Case Examples Anterior Knee Dislocation
Case Examples Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
Case Study Bus Pedestrian Accident
Case Examples Head Injury and Restraint Use
Case Study Hit & Run Death
Case Examples Right Knee
Case Examples TMJ Disfunction
Case Examples Trip & Fall
Case Examples Wrist Injury
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