Northstar Biokinetics, Inc.
Biomechanics Analysis
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Important Articles
Who are Biomechanists?
A biomechanist might be an engineer or medical doctor; biomechanics, however, is not within the sole domain of either of these easily recognized professions.
Biomechanical vs. Medical
Biomechanics - the science concerned with the action of forces, internal and external, on the living body. (From Stedman’s Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions)
What is Biomechanics?
The discipline of biomechanics integrates the laws of physics and the working concepts of engineering...
When a Biomechanist can Help
In general, a biomechanist is a useful expert when liability questions involve human motion...
Case Examples
Amputation of Fingers

Could an individual strike their own hand five+ times with an ax, amputating their own fingers unknowingly?

Northstar Biokinetics demonstrated that the amputations could not have occurred as described because a single strike would elicit a flexor withdrawal reflex.


Case Examples
Case Examples Anterior Knee Dislocation
Case Examples Anterior Shoulder Dislocation
Case Study Bus Pedestrian Accident
Case Examples Head Injury and Restraint Use
Case Study Hit & Run Death
Case Examples Right Knee
Case Examples TMJ Disfunction
Case Examples Trip & Fall
Case Examples Wrist Injury
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